Show Me The Mail

by Dan Crevier


Show Me The Mail (SMTM) is an application for displaying messages when mail is received by Emailer 2.0, Eudora 2.1+, or LetterRip 2.0. The messages float above other windows, so they are always visible. They show who the message is from, and what the subject is. SMTM is shareware, and the registration fee is $10.

Latest Version

The latest version is 1.0, dated 6/15/97. You can download it at <>.


SMTM requires System 7.1, and one of the applications to use it with (Emailer 2.0 or higher, Eudora 2.1 or higher, and LetterRip 2.0 or higher).


The installation procedure depends on what program you are using SMTM with. It can be used with multiple programs at once.

Emailer 2

After launching SMTM, select "Turn Emailer Notification On" from the Install menu. Now, Emailer will tell SMTM about incoming mail whenever SMTM and Emailer are running. Emailer will not automatically launch SMTM, so you need to put it in the Startup Items folder. You can turn off notification by Emailer with the "Turn Emailer Notification Off" menu item.


After launching SMTM, select "Turn Eudora Notification ON" from the Install menu. Now, Eudora will launch SMTM and tell it about incoming mail whenever mail arrives. You can keep it wherever you want, and Eudora should find it. You can turn off notification by Eudora with the "Turn Eudora Notification Off" menu item. Note: Eudora only sends notification of mail in the in box folder, so if mail gets filtered to another folder, it won't be reported. There isn't anything I can do about this.

LetterRip 2

Make an alias of SMTM and put it in the Processors folder, inside the LetterRip Files folder, and restart your server. Now, LetterRip will launch SMTM and tell it about messages whenever new mail passes through.

Setting your preferences

The only preference you can set at this time is the window position and size. Move it and resize the window in the application to choose your preference.

Scripting support

SMTM supports a simple "queue message" scripting command that can be used to add messages to SMTM's queue to display. This opens up many possibilities of other applications using SMTM to display information. Frontier glue is provided in the Scripting folder.


SMTM uses Matt Slot's appe windows framework to get windows to float above other applications.

Release Notes

Version 1.0 -- 6/15/97

First release